Despite that there are new female faces in congress women still lack in number of female roles in the government. Susan Collins, Maine Republican Senator shares, "It does concern me that there are not more positions in leadership positions. ... it traditionally has been more difficult for women to break the executive glass ceiling than the legislative glass ceiling." This shows that women are concerned at the fact that there is a small number of female political roles. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Florida Democratic representative believes, "Its really important to groom women down the ladder. We've got to reach down all the way to young girls and make it accessible and a matter of natural progression that young girls would consider themselves future candidates." Schultz has a very good and important point, it is very typical for the youth to think automatically that men are more fitting for the job of a political person, which is absolutely debatable and disagreeable. Jennifer Lawless, Women and Politics Institute at American University, thinks "... not only do they have very few women, most of them are relatively new entrants into the chamber." Which is a big problem because they are unexperienced but a good effort in raising the number of female roles in the government. Debbie Walsh, Rutgers University Center for American Women and Politicas, states "We tend to go up a few every cycle, three or four, maybe five seats, but women dont seem to be making any serious strides in terms of numbers." Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Washington Republican representative, says " I'm hopeful that we will see other Republican women in leadership positions in our conference. It is an important voice that is heard at the table and its a little different perspective than the men bring. Its important that we are reflecting America." This is something that maybe most women want to happen soon in the future. Nan Hayworth, New York Republican representative-elect, says "[being a women and a mother] is one of the things that does strike a note and provides a bond with some folks in ways that did help me reach a good relationship with the voters here in New York." Like Hayworth being a women could be useful like in her position of getting closer to the people and hopefully her situation turn out inspires a female women to go after the challenge and have a leadership position.